Voluntary Liquidity Provider Program.
Generate liquidity and receive passive income.
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Generate liquidity and receive passive income.
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Within the DEX PancakeSwap Platform it is possible for CSG investors to become liquidity providers by facilitating negotiations and in exchange for this liquidity PancakeSwap offers passive income to its providers.
First step: You need to purchase the amount of CSG you intend to leave as a Liquidity Provider;
Open PancakeSwap, make sure your Wallet is connected.
Then click on Exchange;
Click Swap and add the CSG contract: 0xa833b2b2bd3ce6f490ba2c1995f07916ef471ac4
Make sure you are buying the CSG asset and then add it to the Swap;
Click on MAX or choose the amount of BNB you want to buy from CSG
You will notice that the estimated amount of CSG you can purchase will appear on your screen;
Then click on Swap;
Click Confirm;
Approve the operation in Your Wallet;
You can check with BSCscan for approval of your purchase;
Then Click on Liquidity;
And then click on ADD Liquidity;
Select Active;
Then enter the CSG contract;
Click on MAX or choose the amount of BNB you want to add to the CSG liquidity provider
Note that the amount of CSG that you are free to provide in liquidity will appear and below the price information of the CSG quote and your participation in the Pool as a liquidity provider.
Click Approve CSG;
Then Click on approve transaction in your Wallet;
Wait for approval;
Then click on Supply
Then click on Confirm Supply;
Then Click on approve transaction in your Wallet;
You can check with BSCscan for approval of your purchase;
Soon after, your participation in our voluntary liquidity provider program will appear below;
Go back to liquidity and you will find that you will open a field discriminating your participation and profits in our voluntary liquidity provider;
In this field, the fields to add or remove liquidity will also appear;
Remembering that the voluntary liquidity program investors can add or remove their participation at any time.